#1469: Intellectual Inheritance And Independence
Sunday • July 30th 2023 • 11:24:23 pm • 3KB

Your Intellectual Inheritance is stored in books, written by clear thinking great beings. Libraries will help you to narrated books, that you can focus on understanding. Great beings pen books, that help you understand the world. In a way that you can...

#1468: The Mad Scientist
Sunday • July 30th 2023 • 5:40:10 pm • 3KB

Skip Sponsored Ads On YouTube Block Ads with uBlock Origin Don't! With! The! Mad! Science! Warning: Dumb Ways To Die (Superpowerless Remix) Solar "Death Ray": Power of 5000 suns! Pouring Molten Aluminum In a Watermelon. Awesome Surprise! How strong is...

#1467: Standardized Anything Is Standardized Nothing
Saturday • July 29th 2023 • 11:08:56 pm • 3KB

World leaders studying UFOs, calls for real, profound, and meaningful education. Overmedicated glitchy ghouls with an office full, of puppeteers that tell them what to say, based on who paid the most. Can only lead to more failures, and an economic reboot...

#1466: Beginning Fitness; It Is Easy, Because Fitness Is Your Friend
Friday • July 28th 2023 • 11:10:20 pm • 4KB

Instant results no problem, just go camping. Snacking too much? Get rid of your appliances. Can’t lose weight, it is the sugar. Sugar is a perfect food, for people stranded in space. Down here on earth, companies add sugar to sweeten crap. They are...

#1465: Outlive Yourself; Or, The Skinny, On Where Fitness Fits
Thursday • July 27th 2023 • 11:23:00 pm • 3KB

Fitness is your health, and frequent workouts are not really optional. The reason, why it is hard to start. Is just, lack of endurance. But get this, lack of endurance, is an illness. We needn’t, split hairs. it is near enough, an illness. It will lead, to...

#1464: Weird Dancing; Or, Music Energy For Fitness
Wednesday • July 26th 2023 • 11:28:53 pm • 2KB

It is not really possible to workout, without trying to hit every beat of a song. The song can’t just be playing in the background, while you lazily count your reps and sets. The song has to take over, it has to become your timer and trainer. A proper...

#1463: Your Intellectual Inheritance; Or, How Wisdom Cradles And You Just Kind Of Use It By Subtle Analogy
Tuesday • July 25th 2023 • 10:57:45 pm • 4KB

As you venture into a library, in search for an interesting narrated book. The cover and the title is a good judge, of what you are about to get into… But it is not indicative, of the wisdom that you are about to inherit. And even the word wisdom, is...

#1462: Thinking Creatures
Monday • July 24th 2023 • 11:00:45 pm • 5KB

Reality can be either, something, or nothing. And if it was nothing, there would be nothing to ask this question. Nothing, is hard, it maybe impossible. It certainly is, unimaginable. Across your entire existence you emits, infrared radiation. Some of it...

#1461: A Glance At What Keeps Humanity Divided
Sunday • July 23rd 2023 • 11:03:21 pm • 3KB

That what you believe depends on where and to whom you are born, means that you have to be very careful, and not let it influence you. This is often very frightening because of not knowing where to go, and often becoming a cast away. The place you need to...

#1460: The Train Hopper
Sunday • July 23rd 2023 • 4:28:16 pm • 3KB

Skip Sponsored Ads On YouTube How to Block Ads with uBlock Origin YARD BOYS: Freight Train Hopping America MY FIRST TRAIN HOP - An Original Film Thousand Mile Train Hop: Denver to Chicago GIFGAS Trainhopping to the Mediterranean Sea Trainhopping to...

#1459: Despite What You Are Told, Cats Would Successfully Run The World
Saturday • July 22nd 2023 • 10:30:07 pm • 2KB

They are well rooted in reality, and each has an awesome political personality. Kittens especially find politics to be a big deal, and each cat will improve policy with great zeal. With class and great ease, they would quickly bring about world peace. At...

#1458: The Really Real Truth About Great Adventure
Friday • July 21st 2023 • 11:12:00 pm • 4KB

Let me make something very unusual, clear, and be forewarned, as it is sure to come across as tough love for many. Walking the great trails, is not optional. You must be very confused by hearing such a thing, most people don’t even know what the great...

#1457: Growing Stronger; Or, Real Education Is Not Just About Learning For Real
Thursday • July 20th 2023 • 11:41:21 pm • 2KB

Real education, it is about growing into a well integrated being. A well-put-together mind, contradiction free, full of content, authenticity, and well earned wisdom. To clarify, it is easy to flap copied wisdom in the air. Today’s politicians get their...

#1456: Answers Are Found In The Quest For Greatness, Not In The Search For Meaning
Wednesday • July 19th 2023 • 11:47:48 pm • 4KB

Remember that, unfortunately, the victors rewrite history, and that historians are not immune to paving those roads with good intentions. Asking about meaning, is more like driving meaning into something, and it is likely that it was far too complex at the...

#1455: Self Education And Life Changing Narrated Non-Fiction Books At The Library
Tuesday • July 18th 2023 • 11:17:27 pm • 5KB

There will always be forces, all around the word, hoping to keep education broken. Oh Hoping to destroy it entirely, to make people into simple and scared. And pointing that out, will always sound like a conspiracy theory, that will be all too easily taken...

#1454: The Betrayal Of Subject Divisions, And Why Real Education Is Replaced With Memorization
Monday • July 17th 2023 • 11:32:58 pm • 6KB

Most classes do not exist for the purpose of education, they are created to look like education for the purpose of extracting a paycheck. That there exists a field of Biology or Astrophysics, does not mean that such a class should exist in school. These...

#1453: Incurious: When Schools Stand In The Way Of Education
Sunday • July 16th 2023 • 11:25:33 pm • 4KB

The picture that is brighter than what I paint here, if for you to create, it is in the hands of your generation. Reject mediocrity, and half measures, do not pretend to learn, demand self directed, and self paced education, that won't waste a moment of...

#1452: The Web Extension Developer
Sunday • July 16th 2023 • 1:41:29 pm • 3KB

⚠️ Skip Video Ads ⚠️ Block Web Ads Browser Extensions - Matt Claypotch - JSConf US 2018 What's new in Chrome Extensions 11.3: Chrome Extensions: Content Scripts - Programming with Text Making a chrome extension is actually super easy #shorts Building a...

#1451: UFO And UAP Total Disclosure; Or, The Tragedy Of Fake Education
Saturday • July 15th 2023 • 11:26:54 pm • 5KB

The UAP and the UFO is what happens, when you pretend that memorization is a form of education…. You have to stop pretending that you are learning in school, just so that you get good grades and get out of there. The world needs your help, because without...

#1450: The Great Weight-loss Adventure
Friday • July 14th 2023 • 11:23:37 pm • 2KB

The key is to practice dance, and enter a hit-every-beat trance. The first challenge is the hardest, you must use an interval timer to cut out rest. Resting or music at the wrong speed, can only distract and impede. What you really need to know, is that a...

#1449: Take To Adventure, Become 40 Years Younger, And Wallop The Oodles Out Of Your Whippersnapper Self
Thursday • July 13th 2023 • 11:07:10 pm • 2KB

This is a no holds barred guide, it will neither hold you hand nor your backside. You will need to cut out all the noise, so send away, the children, and the boys. Chase everyone out of the room with a guttural shhhush... And plop your tush….. Into a comfy...

#1448: The Power Of Serenity; Or How Humanity’s Greatest Accomplishment Was Rooted In Peace Of Mind
Wednesday • July 12th 2023 • 11:10:35 pm • 3KB

Soon enough, as the more connected world, begins seeing the same patterns play out, over an over. An overwhelming urge for an intellectual revolution, will grasp humanity by the button. There will be a race for authentic education, one that genuinely...

#1447: Whale Fall; Or, The Betrayal Of Standardized Education
Tuesday • July 11th 2023 • 11:30:43 pm • 3KB

For teachers, every week is a stick, and every paycheck, a carrot - all to sweet. Teachers are the A+ students, once full of energy and dreams, smart and lovely. But now betrayed, by the very education they excelled at. While the all negativity is...

#1446: Of Serenity, And Courage - It Is Not Just The Narrated Books
Monday • July 10th 2023 • 11:18:05 pm • 5KB

It is impossible to learn from a good narrated book, when we are threatened by major trouble. Though narrated books can take away aches and pains, and help with sleep and minor fears. This is just one of the benefits, as great books are meant for wisdom...