#4: The Soldier
Wednesday • May 29th 2019 • 12:41:25 am • 8KB4

Zeno of Citium Zeno was the founder of the Stoic school of philosophy, which he taught in Athens from about 300 BC. Based on the moral ideas of the Cynics, Stoicism laid great emphasis on goodness and peace of mind gained from living a life of Virtue in...

#3: The Adventurer
Wednesday • May 22nd 2019 • 12:26:45 am • 2KB1

Nordhouse Dunes: Backpacking in a Snowstorm on Lake Michigan Endless Horizons In moving. In endless horizons, and mountains, and the sea; we learn tobreak away, and find our own paths. And there is a slope to each adventurethat follows, and the adventurer...

#2: The Hunter
Tuesday • May 14th 2019 • 10:34:30 pm • 3KB1

The Bear Hunt This artwork has been with me for as long as I can remember, I found it ina book entitled “Wszechświat życie człowiek” (Universe, Life, Human) andone of my favorite writers Bill Bryson wrote something just as goodA Short History of Nearly...

#1: Introduction
Wednesday • May 8th 2019 • 12:50:46 am • 3KB

Finding Joe Quote by Sun Tzu Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriorsgo to war first and then seek to win. -- Sun Tzu - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun\_Tzu Viktor Frankl Quote by Viktor E. Frankl Don't aim at success....