Of The Sunrise And The Sunset; Or, A Slow And Tiny Step Towards Bicycling And Camping
Of The Sunrise And The Sunset; Or, A Slow And Tiny Step Towards Bicycling And Camping

Monday • August 28th 2023 • 11:06:02 pm

Of The Sunrise And The Sunset; Or, A Slow And Tiny Step Towards Bicycling And Camping

Monday • August 28th 2023 • 11:06:02 pm

On ordinary days sunrise seems really pushy, in contrast to the sunset.

Bu there is more to it, than picking favorites.

The last thing you want, is to look at the sunset through some window.

Going for a walkabout is one way.

But, perhaps the best way, is to bicycle out.

And enjoy the beauty of a sunset, from a new place every day.

Out on the beach sunsets, could sometimes repeat.

Out on the great trails, a sunset marks setting up camp.

But on a bicycle, which can quickly carry you away.

It is as if you can get a sunset to goose you, from a new angle, each day.

And what a healthy thing to do, it is good on the knees.

And if you buy yourself a large seat, it is even good for the tush.

I think for a sunrise to work, you have to take care of sunsets.

It is not very long, before the bicycle sends you camping.

Just being out there in nature, waiting for pretty colors.

Always ends in fiddling with a tent, someplace nice.

Here, as the nearing sunset, alerts you to finish picking up wood.

The moment the sun does set, you get just enough twilight.

To light your fire, spear your dinner sausage...

And pick your narrated book, for the evening.

When camping, eventually, you begin to turn in after dark.

And wake up, to that crisp early blue, of the new day.

And you guessed it, here the sunrise too, becomes a celebration.

It is a great time, to perch upon a fallen log…

Eat the breakfast, and let the sun warm you up.

Dismissing either, or both, is trouble.

Life is precious, it is finite, stress, overwork, lack of books in your life.

All add up to accelerate time, and that is not good.

Save the sunset, and frequently take to adventures.

Where you can quietly enjoy, the sunrise too.

You are a creature of the universe, an unimaginable miracle of timeless chaos.

Do not commit yourself to human concerns only, take care of your universal self as well.

Begin putting a backpack together, set up the tent at home or in your back yard.

Get used to it, get ready.

Make your way towards the kind of a life, where you get to enjoy, both…

The sunrise, and the sunset.

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