Volition, Virtue, And Pursuits Of Excellence
Volition, Virtue, And Pursuits Of Excellence

Sunday • December 1st 2024 • 12:47:43 am

Volition, Virtue, And Pursuits Of Excellence

Sunday • December 1st 2024 • 12:47:43 am

The preface to this text is written by the ghost of an old friend, not a day has gone by when she wasn’t under attack.

Despite all the negative critique, lies and parroting , her work remains pure, and wise.

It will outlast all the lesser ideas, and it will take a generation of great beings to appreciate her kindness.

Beware, the charlatans who attempted to tarnish her work, reveal a sick dark mass, of fat white lice,

A network of blind opportunists, that hold the world's progrss hostage.


To the young minds reading these words, know this: your life is your own. Your choices are yours to make. You are the master of your fate, the architect of your future, and the creator of your happiness. The world may try to impose its limits upon you, to steer you away from your own path, but it is your responsibility to resist. You stand at the precipice of your own life—the moment when you must choose whether to live as a slave to the world or to live as its master. The world will not give you greatness; it is not a gift handed down from some distant hand. It is a product of your own will, your own purpose, and your own work. It is created by your mind, your action, and your relentless pursuit of your values. The road to success, to excellence, to happiness, is not something granted to you by others; it is something you must carve for yourself.

You are not a passive bystander in this world; you are an active creator. The key to living as a free, powerful individual lies in your ability to think—rationally, independently—and to act in accordance with your own judgment, your own vision. Do not allow your mind to be enslaved by the expectations of others, nor allow the average and the mediocre to dictate the limits of your potential. Reject imitation, reject the shallow substitution of memorization for true understanding. The world is filled with people who only survive; you are capable of so much more. You are capable of creation. You are capable of greatness. This is not an exhortation to merely improve—it is a call to live authentically, to pursue your own vision of excellence, and to take full responsibility for the choices that define you. You are not a servant to anyone's demands—not to your teachers, your peers, or society at large. Your mind is your own, and with it, you possess the power to reshape the world. Do not surrender it. The pursuit of knowledge is not a duty to be performed for the sake of others. It is your path to greatness, and greatness is not a matter of chance or circumstance—it is a result of your integrity. Integrity is not merely honesty; it is the unshakable alignment of your thoughts, actions, and values. You must think, you must act, and you must never betray your own highest principles. It is not enough to know what is right; you must act upon it, with clarity and purpose. When you do, your life will become the product of your choices, your effort, and the happiness that comes from living by your own standards.

Reject the lies, the distractions, and the forces that would make you small. Rise above the noise, above the forces of mediocrity, and build a life that is yours alone—an authentic life, a life that brings you true joy, because you created it. The world will try to drag you down, to define you by its standards, but you are capable of more. You are capable of greatness—if you are willing to create it. This is your time. Make the most of it.

Volition, Virtue & Pursuits Of Excellence

Why is it that the wold seems to be losing good things, and somehow looks to be changing for the worse?

This question is a simple question, that can only be treated with short, simple, and wise answer.

Because repair, improvement, advancement, betterment, requires effort, sustained momentum, volition, virtue & pursuits of excellence.

When you are coerced to swap your innate desire for comprehension, in favor of your teachers desire to get paid, and thus memorization.

Memorization being a shallow mockery of education, you are unable to accelerate yourself forward by locking onto your curiosities.

Furthermore, you aren't just coerced into fake education, but put in a situation, where if you learn for real, you will fail all your tests.

Without the momentum, the greater humanity, ceases to advance in a singular direction.

And begins meandering in a random walk, losing that which demands effort.

Art and Music, or learning to paint with the help of a wall or office projector, and learning to compose by ear, with beat sequencer and piano roll.

It not optional, it is a critical steeping stones, that for many, is the push, that slowly begins to accelerate their momentum towards excellence.

Most others have interests far too unique to standardize, 3D printing, programming, philosophy, poetry, generative art, to name a few.

And if those curiosities are not tended to, they whither often fading permanently.

To have ones curiosities destroyed or subverted is a crime against humanity, it is an attack on a person's otherwise intransigent and sovereign mind.

The world isn’t getting worse, what we are sensing, is the repetition of old mistakes.

Because the culture of rising, the culture of warriors, philosophers, knights, ladies & gentlemen, and the intellectual is seen as optional.

When the very thing that made humanity advance has tarnished, the worlds cultures with stop converging on peace and wisdom.

Without a constant sustained motion forward, humanity can only all too frequently dip into its old mistakes.

That may mean your grand children fighting in a war, that was entirely preventable but is now too late to stop.

In that sense, authentic education is a duty, bowing to threats of ridicule, or low GPA, or eve being held back is cowardice.

Stop being or hoping to be your teachers pet, stop meaninglessly memorizing, stop pretending that you understand something for a good grade.

And stop letting strangers tell you what to learn, when to learn, for how long to learn it, in what sequence, and at what pace.

Do not make your sacred pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and greatness, into a side show mockery of education that earns a stranger some coin.

And what an old hat that is, ineffective, or as I call it, fake education, is just a creative way of burning books and turning you into a worker.

Work will not set you free, only knowledge, the inheritance of class of great beings, wisdom, and pursuit of greatness ever will.

Do not concern yourself with your nation’s debt, it is owed to no one, and you, are not a servant.

Before you concern yourself with what it means to be citizen, or your nations economy and politics.

You have to learn that you are a creature of the stars first, and Human second.

So that you firmly stand on your own ground, and not perpetually stress on somebody elses.

You are poor on purpose, it is not just education that failed you…

But politics too, that network of opportunists that keep themselves in check with lies.

Your duty is to yourself first, so that you are strong, and the density of your wisdom, of content of character will prevent collapse.

You are to protect your mind, and refine it with knowledge and wisdom, inheriting the culture of greatness you meet in powerful books.

Your ultimate aim is greatness, greatness of heart, greatness of mind, and greatness of your life.

Rise, and grow all the way up, until you stand as a great authentic being.

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