#700: High School 101: Building Your Own Secret Laboratory
Saturday • September 25th 2021 • 9:25:31 pm • 3KB

High School does not teach very much,but it is going to be OK so as long as you learn on your own. And if you are still looking for a direction,consider creating a mighty industrial design portfolio, use Blender and Ender to learn 3D Modeling, Printing,...

#699: Computers And Color Theory, A Little Programming Tutorial
Friday • September 24th 2021 • 10:55:59 pm • 5KB

My first thought this morning was:explain how programmers make colors with numbers. But then, when I woke up a little bit more,and I though the idea was ridiculous because it is too abstract to explain in text. And when I finally got out of bed,I snapped...

#698: Upgrading The High School Diploma To A Real Design Portfolio And Beyond
Thursday • September 23rd 2021 • 9:03:12 pm • 6KB

School is not good enough,and after graduation we still need to get a real education. All those happy students on graduation day,how can the schools do this? You probably suspect that your parents are using High School as a babysitter,and your teachers...

#697: A Fancy Shmancy Cure For Sadness
Wednesday • September 22nd 2021 • 7:58:28 pm • 5KB

If the teacher says “I will be unfair, because of reasons”,you get up and leave because of reasons, head for the library where the real teachers are. You don’t sit there stressing out about some pop-quiz,or something unfair, or fake, or unusual, or stupid....

#696: One World, One People, One Great Family
Tuesday • September 21st 2021 • 5:02:04 pm • 5KB

Climate change will put Billions of people in harms way,it will not be possible to do anything in 30 years. Just like it is not possible to stop a war the day it begins,wars and disasters are prevented 30 years in the past - and that means now. We are the...

#695: Lonesome Roads To Excellence
Monday • September 20th 2021 • 9:59:59 pm • 3KB

We can't hop all the hoops and hope for best,real life is not just another paper test. We can't go from school to school expecting results,because we can't trust all the adults. Teaching is a job that puts food on their table,that makes it prone to...

#694: The Future Generations
Sunday • September 19th 2021 • 3:22:37 pm • 3KB

"A king may make a nobleman,but he cannot make a gentleman." -- Edmund Burke "A school that is fake,is one that does not a great being make." -- Dr... Meow. So as long as leaders are moving along,generations wont seem that long. Few years here, few years...

#693: The Ecologist
Sunday • September 19th 2021 • 6:24:10 am • 5KB

Hamilton - Moby Dick : Call Me Ishmael Plastic 12 Cancer Causing Foods That You Should Not Eat Here's what's in your bottled water (Marketplace) The Dangerous Chemicals In Your Plastic Packages Plastic Pollution: How Humans are Turning the World into...

#692: To The New Generation Of Leaders
Saturday • September 18th 2021 • 8:25:50 pm • 2KB

There are new leaders rising in the world,and they are nothing like the old. It is because of the climate,that they can spot where the liars are at. Today, there are so many mice,and they are not at all, very nice. That all the red flags went up,to make...

#691: That Glowing Ember At A Branch Of The Wisdom Tree
Friday • September 17th 2021 • 7:30:34 pm • 3KB

Who knows why we are born with an ember and not aglow with a fire,why to wisdom me must choose to aspire. Maybe because we are each to light the fire on our own,maybe we need to wait until we are fully grown. Maybe it is just that it is a choice,but it is...

#690: The Great Challenges
Thursday • September 16th 2021 • 8:45:37 pm • 5KB

There cannot exist a Manual Of Life,because each and everyone of us represents a unique story that can’t be summarized. We each make unique decisions,based on our previous experiences. Some years ago, I was called to Jury Duty,and wanting to learn more...

#689: Easy Peasy Growing Up: The Culture Of Greatness
Wednesday • September 15th 2021 • 5:37:22 pm • 8KB

Junk DNA Accumulates,and so do the beneficial changes. They come from the fundamental principles of nature,of physics and chemistry, and so on. This is something we can feel and touch,this is something we can see. Especially since we each begun as a single...

#688: On Dignity And Classiness
Tuesday • September 14th 2021 • 5:08:20 pm • 5KB

On Dignity And Classiness: Preface, I must clarify ahead of time, that the word class that I use here,has been misused in history, and as a result has a dark past. Alas, we need that word back, we have lost the Noble Knight, we have lost The Gentle Lady...

#687: Real Art For Real, Real Math For Real
Monday • September 13th 2021 • 8:49:01 pm • 5KB

The first thing you are going to need,is to think about a neat place to exhibit your mathematical art. The next is the frames are important,they are expensive, computer generated art demands perfection. I think you should start with a pane of glass,then...

#686: The Watcher
Sunday • September 12th 2021 • 4:35:57 pm • 3KB

Greta Thunberg To World Leaders How a Double Agent Prevented Nuclear War Stanislav Petrov, who averted possible nuclear war Vasili Arkhipov, Award winner for averting nuclear war If Student Loans Were Honest - Honest Ads (College Debt) The single biggest...

#685: For Wisdom, For Greatness
Sunday • September 12th 2021 • 10:04:21 am • 3KB

"Talk to the student",is my answer to fixing school, because it can't be fixed outside in. I want them to see that they are being tricked,to understand that fake education is not worth the effort and in some cases the drug addiction. It is a setup, the...

#684: Making Self Education More Pleasant By Remembering to Lower The On-ramps
Saturday • September 11th 2021 • 9:54:50 pm • 5KB

Learning Programming maybe... probably better for you,than learning the intricate rules of some boring sport, and learning portrait drawing may be better still. The only difference between something easy and something more difficultis the angle of the on...

#683: Biographies: Stories of Wisdom, and Adventures in Life
Friday • September 10th 2021 • 10:04:58 pm • 7KB

I could see the people who knew High School was fake, or at least trouble,all three principals knew, and the English teacher. The English teacher,tried to pass on a message. He didn’t care about anything but that message, the message was:“The choices we...

#682: Philosophers And Warriors
Thursday • September 9th 2021 • 9:57:21 pm • 4KB

To invent we have to stop being scared of poverty,we can only invent in peace - and that requires courage. Fear really is the mind killer,but it is also true that we are all warriors. There are many things we can do in life to become courageous,we can...

#681: The Real Schools
Wednesday • September 8th 2021 • 8:41:03 pm • 5KB

Teachers can be pushed to perform at maximum,but that does nothing to make education real. The biggest problem is the content, structure and aim of lectures,that is where the really real results are. If the lectures themselves are broken,then increasing...

#680: The Quest For Real Education
Tuesday • September 7th 2021 • 11:18:20 pm • 4KB

We know all human being are equally intelligent,it is that that each has a different path through Knowledge and Curiosities. Standardizing that path, inducing memorization,and calling that an education, is madness. Politicians and principals get re...

#679: Programming Challenge: declaration.json
Monday • September 6th 2021 • 2:37:40 pm • 4KB

People of the World are confused about complex issues,even US Congress Members are not getting real answers and are forced to dumb their questions down. Begin by writing a declaration of human rights,from the perspective of the human, not the organization...

#678: You Must Expand The Meaning Of Poetry
Sunday • September 5th 2021 • 10:15:21 pm • 2KB

Without your writings poetry will die,you are a poet, and that is not a lie, You don't create to fit a poem or a chapter, or a flap of wings,your creation comes first and actually redefines those things. Your treasures are not defined by what fits some...

#677: The Sociologist
Sunday • September 5th 2021 • 9:14:25 pm • 2KB

The Lucifer effect - an interview by DPU with Philip G. Zimbardo The Stanford Prison Experiment Official Trailer (About Philip Zimbardo's Research) History vs. Richard Nixon - Alex Gendler The history of the Cuban Missile Crisis - Matthew A. Jordan...