#1036: Modern Luxury Source Code Editors; Or, Where The Heck, To Put The Darn Source Code?
Saturday • July 16th 2022 • 9:02:49 pm • 4KB

I think the idea of a programmer will fade away,as it will be replaced by the modern teenager. I think smartphones are already too stupid,and the next big thing is a programmable phone. That is how quickly times are changing,smartphones are a relic. I...

#1035: Do Not Lose Faith In Humanity
Friday • July 15th 2022 • 7:22:35 pm • 2KB

This is a time of war, famine, an old nuclear threat,a time of mediocrity, betrayal, and evil men. None of the horrible things that occurred,occurred by deliberate and careful design. Almost all the bad things occurred by chance,by chaos, complexity, and...

#1034: The Fanciful Event Emitter: A Super Strange Programming Poem
Thursday • July 14th 2022 • 7:31:32 pm • 4KB

Event happens when you click a mouse,it is called the click event. The event comes with some information,and that information is just named values, like x=5, or user=alice. Emitter means that we can emit events,we can say emit alert “Hello!” A Listener...

#1033: Little Stories From Nordhouse Dunes
Wednesday • July 13th 2022 • 8:05:39 pm • 4KB

I was camping at a tent site some minutes into the State Park,I started my fire and made some hot dogs. And a family with two or three teenagers,started unpacking next to my site. I was wearing my leather Wolverine Jacket,listing to an ancient iPod. I...

#1032: The New School; Or, Building The First Imperfect School That Is Worthy Of All The Future Generations
Tuesday • July 12th 2022 • 1:08:23 pm • 5KB

What if the new school format is right in front of us,we don't need tests that are secure and vicious, because we are not forcing anything. We are simply creating a new school full of knowledge,guidance on the left pane, the machine that must be...

#1031: Schools Where Teachers Are Trained To Teach Students Who Just Want To Learn
Monday • July 11th 2022 • 1:35:32 pm • 3KB

If teachers,allowed students to learn what they are interested in Then they wouldn't need training,to teach students what doesn't interest them. (It is important to understand, that I use the word teach very loosely here,forcing students to temporarily...

#1030: The Comic Book Artist
Sunday • July 10th 2022 • 8:14:27 pm • 3KB

Stan Lee Keynote at the 2017 Graduation Ceremony An Interview with Stan The Man Lee, Marvel Comics' Real Superhero Stan Lee documentary BBC - Jonathan Ross - In Search of Steve Ditko Jack Kirby: Story Teller (Jack Kirby art) Full documentary The History of...

#1029: Into The Fray; Or, Code Generation And The Search For Motivation To Learn Programming
Sunday • July 10th 2022 • 5:48:27 pm • 4KB

It is hard to make money from programming all by yourself,because the products you compete against are made by multiple people. I suspect most times, you are up against a startup that didn’t take off,so there is four people with nothing to do. Only the...

#1028: I Went To The Woods; Or, Don’t Let Broken Schools Frighten You
Saturday • July 9th 2022 • 9:18:26 pm • 4KB

Don't give up on Knowledge and Wisdom, don't let fake schools get to you, or derail you,the cure to broken schools, is self education. This can sweetly begin with modern narrated books that are thought of as priceless,by all the world intellectuals. It is...

#1027: What Is In A Programming Language Anyway?
Friday • July 8th 2022 • 3:43:19 pm • 6KB

Variables, functions, if statements, loops,and objects to group variables and functions together into a structure that makes sense to you. For example, my if(app.user.loggedIn()){app.navigation.signOutButton.visible = true} So computer programming,is...

#1026: The High School Cookbook
Thursday • July 7th 2022 • 8:45:32 pm • 2KB

Math without context is impossible to learn,but math, or programming, or composing, in context of breaking out of poverty seems dirty. For one Humanity should be wise enoughto set all the students free from poverty. As it is not really possible to learn...

#1025: Real School And Subject Divisions
Wednesday • July 6th 2022 • 3:23:13 pm • 4KB

As you probably have figured out all the subject divisions are wrong,they exist for the school not for the student. And we need a real-world,source of subjects. Both to adopt it,and expand the list by subtle analogy to existing items. YCombinator Request...

#1024: Cats And Dogs Living Together
Tuesday • July 5th 2022 • 4:42:10 pm • 4KB

While painting, programming, composing, writing, rhyming, singing, sculpting,building and inventing, all represents real knowledge. It is not just a bag of random random goodies,because they all connect, and reinforce one another. For example, in 3D...

#1023: GPA Is Sus
Monday • July 4th 2022 • 9:17:31 pm • 4KB

All the schools with threats of bad grades, and being held back.And the need to pay for lunch, and pay attention in classes that the students are not interested in - are super weird. And beyond where military is allowed to recruit teenagers,and colleges...

#1022: The Caricaturist
Sunday • July 3rd 2022 • 5:21:30 pm • 3KB

Why people believe they can’t draw - and how to prove they can | Graham Shaw | TEDxHull Solving the Exaggeration with a Checklist (❤️REMEMBER AMPLIFY LIKENESS❤️) Developing Your Style by Studying the Masters Caricature Essentials From Start to Finish Jack...

#1021: Of Denial Of Education, And The Problem Of Sequence
Sunday • July 3rd 2022 • 8:51:03 am • 6KB

A sequence problem, as I termed it,is when one thing prevents another. And I find that people with good intentions,often take to repairing problems in the wrong place. When I was little I struggled with understanding my bullies,and later I just couldn't...

#1020: The User As A Programmer
Saturday • July 2nd 2022 • 5:32:56 pm • 3KB

In the world of programming,troubles are everywhere. And they are huge,I mean like, ridiculous. Above all code is liability,especially if you are a programmer. The less you write,the better. And if you write none,you are guaranteed success. Fixing...

#1019: The Cure And The Humanity
Friday • July 1st 2022 • 2:54:37 pm • 3KB

While there is no conspiracy,there is a tendency. This multiplex,prefers we burn books. It prefers, borders,border walls, war. It prefers to destroy minds,by means of prison. And it has a preference,that we all turn our heads. While there are as many...

#1018: Programming Is Fun
Thursday • June 30th 2022 • 5:39:51 pm • 2KB

Svelte is a nice example,as it is simple and it comes with a neat tutorial. Vue.js has a step-by-step tutorial too,the react tutorial is a bit insane. There is no one to make you hurry,or stand over you. By learning bits of programming,you begin...

#1017: Find Your Own Books: Authentic Knowledge Comes From Everywhere
Wednesday • June 29th 2022 • 8:08:14 pm • 2KB

We are each unique,and that means we all learn differently. And we learn,from different places. At different speeds,in different sequence. The pace and sequence,are dictated by who we are, what we know. There cannot be,one book that teaches all. There...

#1016: Programming By Describing Actions In Plain Text
Tuesday • June 28th 2022 • 9:05:07 pm • 3KB

I think all people can write computer programs,it is just that programming languages are too simple and raw. This approach uses Flow Based programming,prefixed by an Event Listener. A really good example of flow based programming and processing is your...

#1015: Fancy Little Rings
Monday • June 27th 2022 • 7:21:50 pm • 3KB

I started by learning Hard Surface Modeling in Blender,and creating a whole box of wallets and dodads that I printed. Then I jumped to Krita to brush up on my Drawing Skills, creating many portraits,I really enjoyed using the Reference Images feature and...

#1014: The Reactive Programmer
Sunday • June 26th 2022 • 2:14:29 pm • 2KB

Ew! Meet the two guys who invented the first-ever spreadsheet The Computer Chronicles - Spreadsheet Wars (1988) Introduction to Microsoft Excel 1992 Retro Tech Bytes - The Story of VisiCalc Meet the inventor of the electronic spreadsheet | Dan Bricklin The...

#1013: You Are Royalty, And Wisdom Is Your Treasure And Armor
Sunday • June 26th 2022 • 12:25:44 pm • 4KB

The overwhelming number of liars,makes it so that the world is not led. The world is moving at random,it is all gibberish. But free and open and wise narrated books,is how the world will be fixed in no time. Books held in high esteem, chapter here,...