#940: Lecture Two: Enhancing Your Reference Images
Saturday • April 23rd 2022 • 7:08:21 pm • 5KB

The secret of good art is Laughter,make your friends and classmates laugh. Use the Warp Transform Tool in GIMP,but keep hardness and strength low. You want to make gradual changes,aim to revisit areas of the face multiple times, be gentle. With a large...

#939: Tiny Little Art Lice: Don't Let Liars Stop You From Learning
Friday • April 22nd 2022 • 2:05:48 pm • 6KB

What comes next may sting a little,as it may include an attack from other artists. Practicing on photos, is only as step away from using GIMP's Warp Transform,to beautify your source photos, photos that you MUST now take yourself. As using that as...

#938: A Tiny Little Introduction To Digital Paining (Recap And Lecture Practice)
Thursday • April 21st 2022 • 6:37:16 pm • 3KB

Digital Painting is such a wonderful thing,that it will let you start with Hyperrealism. What an amazing gift,learning by painting perfect portraits on day one. Use Open Source Krita,and watch a few beginner tutorials. Get a $40-$70 pen and tablet...

#937: Hyperrealism vs. Super Realism
Wednesday • April 20th 2022 • 10:40:59 pm • 3KB

You must use photo reference, at least at first, or you will get stuck,our brains use some extra processing for faces. You can’t just copy a face on a canvas,because you are not seeing the person correctly. Similar thing happens with the moon when it grows...

#936: What The Doodle Is A Value Study?
Tuesday • April 19th 2022 • 7:15:02 pm • 3KB

It is 95% of a digital painting,it is a major part of fast painting technique. The word value in art,means the darkness or brightness of a color. So shadow and light,It is a study of shadows, mid-tones, light, and highlights. Someone chose the world value...

#935: Why Snow: Summer Will Be Delayed Until The Groundhog Gets Paid
Monday • April 18th 2022 • 4:27:07 pm • 1KB

Sorry, the weather won't turn,until after, the Groundhog gets his tax return. Our Dear Groundhog Leader,may be a mind reader. All hail, the Beautiful Groundhog,the leader of all, from human to dog. Like Santa he maybe able to hear your every thought,and he...

#934: United Countries Of The World
Sunday • April 17th 2022 • 8:37:10 pm • 3KB

Please no more war,no more imaginary borders. Poverty makes it hard to see,and not everybody notices. If you were born to a different place,your religion, intelligence, and level of safety would change. All those things that change,when you are born...

#933: The Chiptune Composer
Sunday • April 17th 2022 • 3:16:04 pm • 3KB

How Oldschool Sound/Music worked Basic Waveforms FM SYNTHS in under 4 minutes Sound Design and Synth Fundamentals (don't pay for closed source software, ZynAddSubFX has Unison) ZynAddSubFX in LMMS How To Use ZynAddSubFX! - LMMS Tutorial Advanced Sound...

#932: The Right Angle: The Biggest Problem In Art
Saturday • April 16th 2022 • 3:42:57 pm • 2KB

Face recognition,sometimes photos don't capture the right angle. When we know someone personally,we recognize them based on a series of angles. In a photo,we only get one angle. And what is worse,lenses can distort the face even more. As well as software...

#931: Your Art Journals Are Precious
Friday • April 15th 2022 • 9:18:56 pm • 1KB

There are as many directions,as there are artists. And each painting is a gateway,to a new story that must be told. It isn't just the story though,but also how it is told. Be it night and moonlight,or mountains and mist. Or maybe sunlight,on a cheerful...

#930: Artistic Meows
Thursday • April 14th 2022 • 8:27:17 pm • 2KB

I freehand painted a blue nose,and I got pretty gosh darn close. The nose did not look like a cucumber.So twenty portraits must be a magic number. It was actually easy to sculpt,and it came out without a fault. Still, at the end of the day,freehand is not...

#929: Three Scary For Me: How Art Can Bite You
Wednesday • April 13th 2022 • 10:37:29 pm • 3KB

I don’t know what got into me today,as I arrived home from the gym... Even before,I got out of my car... I already searched for,“digital painting glowing eyes”. I was recently looking at fantasy art,and everything is glowing in their world. So I made...

#928: Fixing Programming, Or, Building Your First Trillion Dollar Company
Tuesday • April 12th 2022 • 5:18:22 pm • 7KB

There are low level languages,and high level languages. In a low level language,you talk to a hard drive in a way that hard drives like to be talked to. In a high level language,you open a Desktop Window with a simple bit of code. High level languages...

#927: Don't Let Art-Liars Trick You: You Are Already An Artist
Monday • April 11th 2022 • 4:05:12 pm • 3KB

The school taught,artists... Are forced to thinkthat using original colors is wrong. And they call this beautiful invention,color picking. They don't see the beauty,of the process. The light coming through the lens,the microchip and being captured in a...

#926: Building Masterpiece Paintings
Sunday • April 10th 2022 • 7:34:53 pm • 2KB

Abandon sketches, think in layers,and strategist layer after layer. For example, face, body, and a basic background,form three layers. The magic of building paintings,begins the moment you look behind your first character. It maybe an idea to hold the...

#925: The Pixel Artist
Sunday • April 10th 2022 • 3:43:38 pm • 3KB

8088 Domination 8088 MPH by Hornet + CRTC + DESiRE (SOME SERIOUS ⭐!?⭐) 8088 MPH Revision 2015 Live Audience Reaction MindCandy: The Best of the PC DOS Demoscene Pixel Art Class - Art Styles for Indie Games Pixelart 101 FREE College Course: Styles A...

#924: Seventy Five Days And Seventeen Paintings
Saturday • April 9th 2022 • 12:24:21 pm • 2KB1

Two days of painting, two days of resting,a new painting every four days, for about 75 I am only showing sixteen here,because every time I look at that damn Groundhog, it snows. I don’t feel welcome in the art community,and I got banned from one forum...

#923: Sitting In A Chair Learning To Paint Hair
Friday • April 8th 2022 • 2:22:19 pm • 1KB

You definitely don't want to stand for it,cause this one takes a little bit. If something goes wrong,delete, try again, and stay strong. Hair is not painted with a hair brush,you actually use the air brush. You don't need to get each and every hair,as that...

#922: The Triumphant Painter
Thursday • April 7th 2022 • 9:37:58 pm • 3KB

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war,while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win” - Sun Tzu. The creation of an expensive series of paintings,is a multi-step process. It begins with creation of a theme,for a series of four...

#921: Tea And Biscuit, Or How To Paint A Perfect Selfie Portrait
Wednesday • April 6th 2022 • 7:36:11 pm • 2KB

Not all art sessions,take lots of preparation. Creating digital ink sketches,takes a minute per sketch. Line art can be just as magical,as impressionism. There is nothing to stop line artfrom perfectly capturing a face. But playing with the sun and clouds...

#920: Art Self Education: We Are All Artists
Tuesday • April 5th 2022 • 4:46:54 pm • 4KB

Preface: All are welcome to this technique,even those who angrily object to it. If you are one of those individuals, and don't like using reference tools,start with a free hand sketch, and a color study. But please don't use the color theory, or grids,or...

#919: First Impressions Of Impressionism: It's Fast
Monday • April 4th 2022 • 9:18:55 pm • 2KB

Yes, the paintings are kind of incomplete,but not the kind where portraits are distorted. The incompleteness of impressionism,is found in areas like the corner of the eye. It usually takes three minutes to sort things out in there,but with Impressionism it...

#918: The Impressionist
Sunday • April 3rd 2022 • 6:18:45 pm • 2KB

The Case for Impressionism Marie Bracquemond ❤️ Marie Bracquemond Marie Bracquemond (1841- 1916) MARIE BRACQUEMOND. EL TALENTO SILENCIADO (Spanish) Berthe Morisot: A collection of 302 works (HD) Berthe Morisot - French Impressionist Artist Biography and...

#917: Pad De Deux: Magically Unfinished
Sunday • April 3rd 2022 • 3:48:59 pm • 2KB

Art is sensitive to light and color as well,painting on a well calibrated monitor... Can look slightly off,on a coffee shop laptop. And when you take your art,to the local photo printing booth... You may find that the shadows in the painting do not agree...